Getting Ready for Poetry Month

I am participating in #SOL21. Thanks for providing this space to write, read, and grow.

A quiet day.
Patches of gray sky,
blue blending in.
Small patches of snow
shrinking as
the day grows warmer.

A good day.
Time for old friends
to connect –

Wearing masks
at this outdoor gathering.
Friends for 30 years plus.
Connecting on this

It’s almost here. Are you ready? April is National Poetry Month, so why not try reading a poem each day?  We all love Jack Prelutsky and Shel Silverstein. What about some new poets?  Here are some suggestions for great poetry selections:

Coombs, Kate.  2012. Water Sings Blue: Ocean Poems. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

Florian, Douglas. 2012. UnBEElievables: honeybee poems and paintings. NY: Beach Lane Books.

Harley, Avis. 2008. The Monarch’s Progress: Poems with Wings. Honesdale, PA: WordSong.

Heard, Georgia. 1998.  Awakening the Heart.  Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, K-6

Holbrook, Sara. 2003.  By Definition. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.

Heard, Georgia and Lester Laminack. 2008. Reading and Writing Across the Year. Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann, K-2

Worth, Valerie.1996. All the Small Poems and Fourteen More.  NY: Farrar, Straus.

Vardell, Sylvia and Janet Wong. 2012. The Poetry Friday Anthology. NJ: Pomelo Books,

Wong, Janet. 2007. Twist: Yoga Poems. NY: Margaret K. McElderry Books.

Young, Judy.  2006. R is for Rhyme: A Poetry Alphabet. Ann Arbor, MI: Sleeping Bear Press.

4 thoughts on “Getting Ready for Poetry Month

  1. Lynne, I can hear the laughter breaking the quiet of the day. With things slowly moving to the better and restrictions being eased I am sure there will much more reconnecting and laughter among friends. It has been missed for far too long.

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