Snow, snow….go away. Don’t come back another day!

slice-of-life2I am participating in #SOL18. Thanks to the twowritingteacher blog team for providing the space to write and grow!

It is pretty. It is a winter wonderland. Fairy-like. Magical. Tranquil. But it is also exhausting. Chilling. Annoying. I should have been leading a professional development day with fourth and fifth grade teachers on Wednesday. Not at home, preparing to help my husband shovel and set up for another possible power outage due to wet, heavy snow.

My friend Nancy wrote a piece on facebook about a robin who greeted her on her doorstep yesterday morning before the snow fell fast and furious. She said the bird looked up at her, almost imploring Nancy to invite her inside.

Here, our robins look confused. I was glad to see them this morning, and I hope the snow melts quickly in the next two to three days to reveal some grass and garden soil. My husband is outside right now, feeding the birds while I do the breakfast dishes. The Welsh Corgis followed him outside, leaping like bunny rabbits through the deep snow.

This is the fourth time we are filling feeders since early yesterday morning. Cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, blue jays, woodpeckers, grackles, mourning doves, and pigeons busily feasted throughout the stormy afternoon and into the early evening. They’re all back this morning.  Isn’t anyone else in my Dresher neighborhood feeding the birds?

Bird feeder March snow storm


10 thoughts on “Snow, snow….go away. Don’t come back another day!

  1. Don’t hold your breath on spring, YET! We have snow here in the Midwest this weekend AND also predicted for next week as well . . . .not quite spring for good!

    You have a lot of birds on the feeder. Whether you are first in the row, or you have the best food – there’s some attraction!

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  2. Looks like your feeder is the place to be. I wonder if birds do communicate where the best seed is. I hope you get sunshine to melt it all away. Thankfully, we have not had snow lately.

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  3. I am so glad you are feeding the birds. They must be so cold and they have work to do (building nests). I hope the snow goes away soon and that your birds are singing their tunes.

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  4. We had a bunch of snow dumped on us in NY where I live (suburbs) and then today it was all melting away. I was even able to enjoy a run after school in 50 degree weather. It made me hopeful that Spring is really coming. And you might be those birds Number 1 fan these days!

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