Bridal Shower for Goddaughter #3

slice-of-life2I am participating in #SOL19.  Thanks to the twowritingteachersblog team for sponsoring this wonderful event!

On Saturday, March 23rd my last goddaughter, Caitlyn, had a beautiful bridal shower at the Blue Bell Inn.  Brooke, her sister, chose the menu for the luncheon and found a most incredible bakery in Wayne for the cake and favors to take home. The cake was chocolate chip pound cake with beautiful white and pink icing, a pink flamingo made in icing at the top, and fresh flowers on the side. The invitations said, “Let’s flamingle!”

Brooke and Alex (twins and Caitlyn’s older sisters) took care of greeting guests and managing presents to be opened. Brooke found a blouse with a big pink flamingo on it and Alex actually found a dress with flamingoes everywhere! Cait looked gorgeous in a white top, white slacks, and a jacket. She held up well, even though she had a bad cold and was not giving hugs and kisses to anyone (understandable).

The adults had a chance to reconnect with one another. The last time I saw some of these people was at Alex’s wedding last June. Cait and her beau Kevin will be married on April 27th at the Flanders Hotel in Ocean City. A brunch will follow the next morning. I read at both Alex’s and Brooke’s wedding and am delighted to do the same at Caitlyn’s wedding.  It is a passage from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.  Cait and I both liked the book very much.

At the end of the shower, I asked for the bill. I have given all three girls their bridal shower and am happy to be able to do it. The girls continue to give me so much joy and happiness. I always cherish the time we spend together. I look at them and remember the routine we had on outings when they were in elementary and middle school – a lunch at Friendly’s, then a movie, and finally – an hour or more pouring over books at a book store – so many choices for girls who love to read!






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