Remembering Spring

slice-of-life2Soft, gentle zephyrs with hints of pine

Strong winds to sail birdlike kites

Lawns greening up and growing

Pounding rain bringing earthworms to the surface

Hopping robins searching for food

Early nest-builders gathering twigs

Rainy days beckoning children to become puddle-splashers

Buds bursting into white and pink blooms

Easter egg hunts and Passover seders

My birthday, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day

Light jackets, no jackets, even shorts

House cleaning, windows opening, let the sunshine in

Garden work to plant annuals, groom perennials

Longer days, buttery sun rays, greening world

Babies spilled from Mother Nature’s arms

Rebirth of wonder – that’s spring

I am participating in #SliceofLife20. Thanks to twowritingteachers team for creating this space for writers to gather and share.