A List of Spring Things

“When one flower blooms, spring awakens everywhere.” – John O’Donohue

#SOL23 Day 22 Thanks to twowritingteachers for providing the space to write, share, learn, and grow.

In Philadelphia…

Japanese-inspired festivities at the Shofu Cherry Blossom Festival

Waterfront boardwalk and brews at Spruce Street Harbor Park

Rollerskating rink and lodge at Blue Cross River Rink

Annual Penn Relays

Philly Beer Week

Spring reminds me of…

Pruning the gardens

Easter Break

Changing the closets from winter to spring and summer wardrobes

Finding fresh fruit at the market

Birds devouring more seed and building nests

Birds singing at daybreak and dusk

Spring cleaning

Spring is…

The hope of warm, bright sunshine for a few days in a row

The first daffodils and crocuses poking out of the dirt

Waking up to a choir of happy birds outside the window

Seeing rain through the rays of sunshine followed by rainbows

Sweeping away the dead winter leaves from the front porch

Cleaning out the planting beds & pots

Uncovering the picnic table and bringing the benches and outdoor chairs up from the cellar

Walking out the door with just a sweater or light jacket

Smiling at the tulips on the kitchen table

Opening windows and doors for fresh air to clear out the stale air of winter

Feeling energized for taking long walks each day

The happy moment you first notice pink blossoms in your crabapple trees

Decorating with eggs, bunnies, and other springy things Easter

Inhaling the fresh smell of spring through your open windows

9 thoughts on “A List of Spring Things

  1. Lynne, you so aptly describe the sights, sounds, and feelings of spring. A spring rain washes away the dregs of winter leaving a clean fresh scent to the air. The birds plan their day in the early morning. Spring is a new beginning.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Today is filled with showers but it s warm. Right now 50 degrees at 8 a.m. I love everything about spring and wanted to write a poem, too, but I worry about posts that are too long. Slicers have so many choices! Glad you visited, Fran. A question: After Slice, do you continue to blog every day?


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